4 Reasons why Christmas is the Best Time to Buy an Investment Property

With the December bell rings we all start preparing for the biggest celebration of Christmas. Prepare Christmas tree, prepare gifts and plan other things to enjoy the holidays at its best. What if you enjoy all the perks of Christmas holidays and earn big sum at same time?  As a real estate investor, you probably wondered what is the best time to buy a home for investment.  Finding the right home at right time to make an offer on property will eventually bring you bunch of advantages. What about Christmas time? Of course, a great time to buy a house for investment has its perquisites and we love to share them with you.
Spring and the summer is definitely the prime season for an investment property search but it doesn’t mean you can’t find good property other time of the year. Finding the good properties in peak season is not impossible but it’s not an easy task, neither negotiating the prices. So, after the research experts reveal the best time to invest in real estate during the winter. To make an offer on buying property in holiday season has some huge advantages. Here are 4 major reasons why you buy an investment property during Christmas time.
  • Finding Real Estate Deals

In the cold weather, real estate market also cools down. The competition among buyers is significantly lower than the peak seasons. Also in winter real estate market there is not such a huge variety of properties offered. This means there’re not many active property buyers in the market. This situation advantages the investors because when supply exceeds the demand in real estate business, prices drop. This amalgamation makes for a great opportunity to find a discounted property and save a good amount of money.
  • Less Competition

Christmas is holiday season and most of people don’t work that’s why it is not the most popular time to hunt for and buy properties. You can use this odd in your favor. A huge plus for you when you make an offer on a property. The phenomenon is very simple as market is less competitive that means the chances of getting your offer accepted are higher. The solely reasons is that there’re not many other people bidding on the real estate property that you want to buy. In addition to that, you may get an answer to your offer sooner as the property seller doesn’t need to go over a huge number of different proposals.
  • Negotiating Property Price

Besides property buyers and agents, homeowners or property sellers also well aware of decline in prices during the winter season, especially around Christmas. That’s why many of the home sellers wait until the spring to list their property when market on its peak. But if someone put their property during off season/Christmas, it means they need the money quite urgently. Game changing time for you! Utilize this great opportunity to negotiate property price with the seller. Furthermore, you can discuss closing expenses, terms of the sale as well as closing date. You can keep some of the house appliances if you want or ask seller to fix something around the property before your tenants move in.  You can do many thing on your own terms and conditions that’s a huge chance that you will not get in peak season when sellers have lots of other options besides you.
  • Taking Advantage of the Winter Real Estate Market

Once you are willing to make an offer on a property in holiday season, you can take full advantage of it. But how? Simply because people feel happy and generous around Christmas time. The happiness can also benefit you when purchasing an investment property or making an offer as sellers will be more likely to negotiate a deal or provide you with some kind of advantage. On the flip side, it is possible that your real estate agent in Mercer County put extra effort to make great deal because of fewer clients. He may work hard or pays all attention to only your deal as he/she has no or very less other things to do. Moreover, he does this due to the possibility of earning a commission right in time for the celebrations.

To sum it all up, we can say that Christmas is best time to make an offer on property. However, buying in cold season doesn’t eliminate the need to conduct an in-depth investment property search. If you like to save some money and opt out of hiring best real estate in Garden State, no other option is better than Schoen Homes. A pro in real estate field with number of qualified agents that provides you best buying and selling experience across the New Jersey. 


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