9 Real Estate Hacks You Must Need to Know Before Hand

Let me introduce you 9 timeless and universal real estate hacks that helps you in making best deals. Whether you’re buyers or selling, interested in investment or real estate these shortcuts are smart solutions that you must need to know. These hacks have been assembled over a lifetime of experience in just about every major facet of real estate. Here are 9 very informative and helpful real estate hacks that everyone should know.

  • Hire the Best

Hiring the best real estate agent is one of the major factors in making best deals. But you must know where you need what. For example if you want to sell a retail home that’s in good condition, hire best real estate listing agent. On the flip side if you’re trying to sell old home that needs lot of repairing, hire the best real estate investor to pay cash for the property. Or hire a best mortgage broker in order to get loan. Use online search to find out who are best in your area because when you hire the best you get the best results!

  • Get 3 Bids

Getting 3 bids is a perfect trick to play safe. Let me explain how? If you want to replace roof or want to fixed you’re A/C instead of calling one, call 3 roofers or 3 A/C companies. Similarly if you’re looking to get a mortgage, get 3 bids from 3 different mortgage brokers. The advantage of doing this is that, for one thing you’ll get 3 different answers and once they know you’ve other people involved as well they will bring their A game to you. This is the hack of the Hacks! You’ll get the best and save your money at same time.   

  •  List on the MLS when selling

There are plenty of online tools for selling but some time they’re unable to provide complete exposure to the entire marketplace. Don’t be a ‘For Sale by Owner’ list on MLS, if you’re looking to sell your house. If you’re trying to save commission then you’re being too greedy, and that’s the bottom line. Because if you list on the MLS, you pay the 6 % commission still you get more than if you listed yourself.

  • Right Listing Price

Keep this in mind, when you’re selling your list price never be too low’ because the lower you list the more likely you’re going to originate what’s called a multiple offer situation and the buyers will bid the property right back up to what the market value is. Right price is the key to sell fast at profit if you list too high, you won’t get any showings and offers. Your property will go stale on the market and after some time people think there must be something wrong with home, since it’s not selling after so many days.

  • First Offer is Best Offer

This may sound weird to many but believe me you first offer is the best offer you get. Why? Because buyers are sitting and waiting for your type of home to come on the market and once their desirable property (your home) is on the market they jump on it real fast and that’s almost always your buyer.

  • Buy Right or Not at All

We understand that owning a home is the biggest dream of every American but at many times it’s safer to rent unless you’re going to stay there for at least five years or you’re getting a good deal with lot of instant equity. Buy it right or not at all!

  • Buy Less Than You Can Afford

If you’re buying for the first time, be prepared for the whole new world of unseen expenses that are coming to you. Along with the actual cost there are bunch of hidden costs you’ve to buy. The A/C will break, roof will leak and you may be spending your Saturday nights fixing these problems when you own a home. You have no idea how expensive homeownership is until you’ve owned one, so the best idea is to buy less than you can afford.

  • Get Creative

Buying a home is your ultimate dream and we believe you, but if you can’t qualify for a loan no need to be heartbroken. Buy right, buy less than you can afford and in case you can’t get a loan, get creative!
Always Maintain Walk Away Power

Always look the other side of picture! If you’re buying a home always willing to not buy it. What if inspection comes back and there’s a problem? What if the appraisal comes back lower than what you have it under contract for and seller refuses to drop the price? Be willing to walk away! Because in real estate when you learn to say no you can maintain the ability to do the best for you. 


  1. This is just amazing and worth reading a hundred times. Thanks a lot for the details. I also have started a real estate agency and now it is my responsibility to find out the best marketing techniques that will help our business create waves into the marketplace. I am having a thought on getting started with bulk real estate text marketing and then will set up the campaigns for paid social media ads. What do you think about my strategy!


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